Embroidery, Etiquette, Side Projects, and More

Iris Petals Two and Three
The first iris petal was a challenge, and petals two and three have been difficult for new (although not entirely unexpected) reasons. This prompts a big decision - keep going,...
Iris Petals Two and Three
The first iris petal was a challenge, and petals two and three have been difficult for new (although not entirely unexpected) reasons. This prompts a big decision - keep going,...

Band Sampler Pt. 3 – The Finish
The rainbow band sampler is at its end! This was a fun little project - here's the last couple stitches and some thoughts on the finished piece.
Band Sampler Pt. 3 – The Finish
The rainbow band sampler is at its end! This was a fun little project - here's the last couple stitches and some thoughts on the finished piece.

Band Sampler Pt. 2
The band sampler is progressing quickly, and we're starting to get into some interesting stitch variations based on chain and buttonhole stitches.
Band Sampler Pt. 2
The band sampler is progressing quickly, and we're starting to get into some interesting stitch variations based on chain and buttonhole stitches.

Band Sampler Pt. 1
A look at some of the behind-the-scenes design work and a bit of the stitching of our rainbow band sampler.
Band Sampler Pt. 1
A look at some of the behind-the-scenes design work and a bit of the stitching of our rainbow band sampler.

Embroidery Samplers Past and Present
Embroidery samplers have been mainstays of the art for several hundred years. Learn a bit about how they were made and used from the 1600s onwards.
Embroidery Samplers Past and Present
Embroidery samplers have been mainstays of the art for several hundred years. Learn a bit about how they were made and used from the 1600s onwards.

Posy of Pansies Complete!
The pansies are complete! The final steps of the embroidery as well as the finished article (and a little surprise).
Posy of Pansies Complete!
The pansies are complete! The final steps of the embroidery as well as the finished article (and a little surprise).